Eye Health News

Decorative contact lenses could haunt you this Halloween

Halloween revelers face a huge risk to their vision by using over-the-counter decorative contact lenses without using proper precautions. Wearing the lenses without taking proper care can lead to a blinding eye infection with an ulcer on the cornea.
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Halloween revelers face a huge risk to their vision by using over-the-counter decorative contact lenses without using proper precautions. Wearing the lenses without taking proper care can lead to a blinding eye infection with an ulcer on the cornea. The Food and Drug Administration regulates all contact lenses, including lenses that don't have any corrective power. A federal law classifies all contact lenses as medical devices that must be distributed only to licensed eyecare professionals. Anyone who sells contact lenses without a license faces civil penalties of up to $11,000 per violation. People who purchase these decorative lenses without going through a doctor will not receive a proper fitting, which could result in a scratch on the cornea. And they will not be educated in the proper cleaning and maintenance of the lenses. So before purchasing any non-prescription lenses, be sure to contact your eyecare professional. Elise Ervin Staff Writer