Eye Health News

Daily aspirin linked to increased wet AMD risk

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A daily dose of aspirin may lower the risk of heart disease and cancer but a new study links the daily regimen of aspirin to an increased risk of developing the wet form of age-related macular degeneration. The European study, which was published in Ophthalmology, evaluated the health of almost 4,700 European and Norwegian men and women over the age of 65 between the years 2000 and 2003. Blood samples were evaluated along with aspirin use, smoking history and alcohol consumption as we well as any history of stroke, heart attack and blood pressure readings. The participants also had their eyes evaluated for signs of age-related macular degeneration and detailed images of their eyes were taken. Researchers discovered that those who took aspirin on a daily basis were twice as likely to have late-stage wet AMD and to a lesser extent, were more likely to develop the dry form of AMD. This was after taking into account all other factors that increase the likelihood of developing AMD. The study results indicate that patients who have AMD but have no prior history of heart problems or no elevated risk factors of heart disease should consult with their doctors prior to implementing a daily regimen of aspirin.*