Eye Health News

AMD's role in release of Harper Lee's book

021715_1Controversy has
Controversy has swirled around the recent announcement that the sequel to Harper Lee's American classic, To Kill a Mockingbird will be published. Whether or not publishing Go Set a Watchman was Lee's decision or not is the big question. Mired within all of the details surrounding the book's release is the question of Harper Lee's physical condition. Court documents associated with a lawsuit that was brought against Lee's former agent detailed her physical condition for the last 15 years. The renowned author has suffered from macular degeneration which makes it difficult for her to read documents that are not in large print and she is afflicted with profound deafness. Called into question is whether those closest to Lee took advantage of her physical limitations and whether the 88-year-old author made the decision on her own to publish the book 55 years after To Kill a Mockingbird.*