5 Crazy eye remedies circling the internet

5 Crazy eye remedies circling the internet

While the internet can be the source of some helpful and valuable health information, it's can also be the source of some potentially harmful health information as well.

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While the internet can be the source of some helpful and valuable health information, it's can also be the source of some potentially harmful health information as well.

It's important to always consult with a healthcare provider before trying anything new for your health and this holds true for some of the current eye remedies circling the internet now. Here are 5 eye remedies being touted on the internet that you should steer clear from: 

Essential oils

Essential oils offer many health benefits but when it comes to your eyes, they can be dangerous. Essential oils should never be applied directly to or around the eyes as they can severely damage the eyes by corroding tissue, which results in scarring.

Using Lipliner as eyeliner

If you find yourself in a beauty quandary and don't have your eyeliner handy, don't attempt using your lipliner as a substitute. Lipliner is not formulated to use around the eyes and bacteria from the mouth can transfer to the eyes possibly leading to an infection.

Using raw meat as a cold pack

We've all seen it in the movies: the hero uses a raw steak as first aid for the black eye. While it might make for good movie entertainment, it's not at all recommended for use in real life. The bacteria in raw meat can transfer to the eye causing an infection. The safer option is to use an ice pack or ice cubes wrapped in a clean towel.

Food coloring

Food coloring actually contains chemicals that can harm the eyes by causing irritation or infection.

Curling eyelashes with a hair dryer

The trendy video on Tik Tok demonstrates how to curl eyelashes using the cool setting. Even on the cool setting, the heat from the hair dryer can damage your eyelashes. And forcefully blowing air into your eyes can irritate them or cause severe dryness.

These are just a few examples of what's out there on the internet. For the sake of your eye health, always consult with your eye care provider before trying any unproven internet remedy.